What kind of monumental event does it take to get me to revive my moribund blog?

Seeing Leigh Dodds wearing a tie. Apparently his children thought it was pretty odd too. Oh, yeah. And having somebody point out in their “Web 2.0” presentation that you haven’t updated your blog in half a year. /Me=shamed.

March 23, 2006 · 1 min · gbilder

Chickpea meets a cow- and doesn’t have one.

June 22, 2005 · 0 min · gbilder

Look who showed up

Allen Renear shows up (unannounced) at SSP. Several late nights of ranting about trust-metrics, document models, management headaches and consulting possibilities. It has been ten years since we last conspired like this.

June 3, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

Talk goes well

It looks like attendance exceeded 200. Naturally- I crashed the pips and the hotel was so keen to get us out of the room that we didn’t have time for questions. However, a small crowd gathered around me afterwards- they were complimentary, asked good questions and were not shaking their fists. So a good result, I think. Conference room just before talk…

June 2, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

View from Lenox hotel

I have tried the “ask for a room with a view trick” and it has worked yet again. I can’t believe I spent 10 years of business travel without catching on to this. View is down Boylston street in Boston.

June 1, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder