Is this thing on?

Is this thing on?

August 5, 2023 · 1 min · gbilder

In Google We Trust?

Bilder, G, 2006, ‘In Google We Trust?’, Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 9, no. 1. 10.3998/3336451.0009.101

May 13, 2010 · 1 min · gbilder

Paste & Cite

I was recently asked by somebody to speculate about generalizable application features that might help researchers in their work. I responded to them directly, but thought it might be worth repeating part of my response here. Since the early 1990s I’ve wished that the OS (any OS) would support a “Paste & Cite” feature and, now that I’m involved with CrossRef and its linking and (nascent) plagiarism detection initiatives, I am even more convinced that such a feature would be immensely valuable to anybody who does research....

March 28, 2007 · 2 min · gbilder

I hate the number 255

I hated it in Pascal and I hate it now in This might even force me to stop using Of course, it isn’t the number that I really hate- its the programmers who, rather than think of the realistic use cases for a column called “notes”, just settle for the default “biggish computer number” that pops into their head. You’d think they would have at least upgraded to 512 or 1024 by now....

February 27, 2007 · 1 min · gbilder

Brain Subscription And Trust Circles

Jon Udell and Ross Mayfield have are talking about the use of social software and trust-circles as tools to find relevant and authoritative content on the web. Sounds familiar. I’ve long thought trust circles (amongst other trust metrics) are key to addressing the “Internet Trust Anti-Pattern“. It may sound incredibly un-hip and reactionary, but to hell with the wisdom of crowds. Watching the crowd might be entertaining, but when I need to work, I can get far better results if I constrain that crowd to a few people whose opinions I have reason to respect....

September 6, 2006 · 2 min · gbilder