What kind of monumental event does it take to get me to revive my moribund blog?

Seeing Leigh Dodds wearing a tie. Apparently his children thought it was pretty odd too. Oh, yeah. And having somebody point out in their “Web 2.0” presentation that you haven’t updated your blog in half a year. /Me=shamed.

March 23, 2006 · 1 min · gbilder


Abulafia Way back in 1990, when I worked at Brown University, I wrote a hypertext application for the Macintosh called “Abulafia.” (named after the computer in Umberto Eco’s book, Foucault’s Pendulum. Recently I found some old Zip disks onto which I archived my Brown work when I left the university in 1995. I asked a hardware magpie friend of mine if he had a way of reading old 100MB Zip cartridges and he did....

July 1, 2005 · 10 min · gbilder

Two graphs that explain most IT dysfunction (Part II)

In Part I, I described two graphs that I think help explain much IT dysfunction. I also noted that, typically: People in group A will often talk to and solicit advice from people in group C. (think VC or CEO talking to technical guru) There are relatively few people in group C. (some companies might not have anybody internal in group C- they hire consultants or read expert opinion) Most of the people who actually have to implement and maintain new technologies are in group B....

June 29, 2005 · 7 min · gbilder

Chickpea meets a cow- and doesn’t have one.

June 22, 2005 · 0 min · gbilder

Two graphs that explain most IT dysfunction (Part I)

Inspired by reading about other people’s blogging weaknesses, I’ve decided to finally get this one off the back burner and post it. I’m pretty sure that this isn’t original, but I started thinking about this way back in 1996 (pre-social-bookmarking) and I’ve lost my pointer to whatever influenced it. Anybody who can set me straight- I’d appreciate it. So here goes. There are two graphs which, when seen together, explain a hell of a lot about various forms of dysfunction that you see in the technology world....

June 22, 2005 · 3 min · gbilder