The lazyweb works

After my trash-talk about “uber-geeks”, Leigh Dodds picked up the “Subscribe To My Brain” challenge and produced this within hours. He even produced a button, which -as everybody knows- automatically turns beta software into a production service… It turns out that Phil Wilson, was working on a similar concept and Danny Ayers was thinking along the same lines. And I am happy to say that the phrase “subscribe to my brain” seems to have turned into a mini-meme (Play Austin Powers theme tune here, start maniacally laughing)....

June 20, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

I want to subscribe to your brain

The other day I was talking to a former colleague and I was trying to explain how I have gradually switched to using an assortment of social content tools as my primary mechanism for finding relevant and authoritative information on the web. With these tools, I can subscribe to an assortment of RSS feeds produced by people who I trust and think of as authorities in their respective subjects. In short, I said, “I can subscribe to their brains”....

June 14, 2005 · 3 min · gbilder

Look who showed up

Allen Renear shows up (unannounced) at SSP. Several late nights of ranting about trust-metrics, document models, management headaches and consulting possibilities. It has been ten years since we last conspired like this.

June 3, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

Talk goes well

It looks like attendance exceeded 200. Naturally- I crashed the pips and the hotel was so keen to get us out of the room that we didn’t have time for questions. However, a small crowd gathered around me afterwards- they were complimentary, asked good questions and were not shaking their fists. So a good result, I think. Conference room just before talk…

June 2, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

View from Lenox hotel

I have tried the “ask for a room with a view trick” and it has worked yet again. I can’t believe I spent 10 years of business travel without catching on to this. View is down Boylston street in Boston.

June 1, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder