Digital Retro

Seems we are all reminiscing. Went to the Tate Modern recently and, embarrassingly, emerged from the gift shop with the following: “Digital Retro: The Evolution and Design of the Personal Computer” (Gordon Laing) I remember lusting after practically every machine in here. Sad geek that I am- I particularly lusted after the Jupiter Ace because it came with FORTH as the built-in language. I must have read some article about FORTH, because I was obsessed with it and eventually used in on my Commodore 64....

March 10, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

Cafe Orient

Update Cafe Orient closed around 2006 If you live in Oxford and have not been to the Cafe Orient, drop what you are doing and go straight there now. If you are visiting Oxford, ignore all the restaurant advice that you find in guidebooks and go to the Cafe Orient instead. ...

March 5, 2005 · 2 min · gbilder

Demonization of the “technical class”

I am astonished at the current “anti-expertise” zeitgeist that seems to have taken hold of the US and UK. Recently Neil Stephenson summed up the prevailing mood in the February issue of Reason Online: “It has been the case for quite a while that the cultural left distrusted geeks and their works; the depiction of technical sorts in popular culture has been overwhelmingly negative for at least a generation now. More recently, the cultural right has apparently decided that it doesn’t care for some of what scientists have to say....

March 5, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder


Ok- so I’ve been trying to move stuff out of MT and into WordPress. And just because I love confounding variables, I’ve also been trying out Ecto. Ecto seems to be having trouble uploading pictures. Server keeps timing out. Hence the scattered posting with mysterious missing pix. Most embarrassing. Oh, yeah. And I’m having trouble getting WordPress extension to behave properly. Listening to: Cool As Kim Deal from the album “…The Dandy Warhols Come Down” by The Dandy Warhols

March 4, 2005 · 1 min · gbilder

Hon’s House of Noodle

Authentic Vietnamese Pho in in the nether regions of Cranston Rhode Island. ...

February 27, 2005 · 2 min · gbilder